Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday adventure was continued to Badung Night Market

Market life naturally tough and has its unwritten rules. These rules have never changed since the stone era where our ancestors traded their fresh produce with their other needs. All of these complex transactions and "fights" are for a piece of paper that they believe has a value, money. The more papers you have the more powerful you are.

Another Sunday at the Park

Spending time at the park is always fun for the kids and kids alike.. There were cultural performances by children from some schools. Lots of cheap toys and snacks.. Also good to improve social skills of our children.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hi Mama.. We all miss you

Mama will be arriving tonight from a week business trip to Hongkong and Shanghai. Aurel woke up every night asking for Mama.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

temperature check

The Far Eastern China Airlines did a temperature check on board, before we are allowed to leave the plane. Too much

Lap Chek Kong airport Hong Kong

Leaving Hong Kong for Shanghai

Come here Papa

I'll take you around with my bike...

One of those simple happy moment..

Baby Goolink

The best you could ever have..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

lost in Hong Kong

Too many people and the weather is so hot

IFC Mall

This mall of luxury brands is adjacent to Four Seasons Hong Kong

Hong Kong MRT

Always busy at any time of the day

Nathan road in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is burning this summer. Cant walk arouund as it's too hot.

circle K in hong kong

The set up of the shop is different

Sunday, July 5, 2009

test fr nokia

Director of Public Relations
Four Seasons Resorts Bali

Am I prettier?

From this mannequin?


Sunday fun for these kids

Most of them never been to malls. The fun started at Carrefour playgrounds where they really indulge in the slides and balls. It continued with lunch at Pizza Hut Galleria then shopping for stationaries in Hypermart. A genuine "Thank you Om Nur and Tante Iin"
On our way home made us feel the effort was highly appreciated.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dirty Park after the shows

Its hard to see so much rubbish were left at the park. Meaning that majority of the public just still do not have the knowledge about sustainable world.

I picked up these rubbish as much, but how can we improve general public understanding?

Dance at Puputan Badung Park

Free dance performance at the Park by 5 years kids. So cute how these little kids perform in their complete traditional custom.

Aurel loves this 'Ning Nong' as how she called it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sate Babi Nusa Indah

Best sate babi in Denpasar. Nasi campur Rp 10rb

new generation of Penjor


Very creative new creation dance by SMP 3 Sukawati Gianyar.

Bali art festival

Thursday, July 2, 2009

President debate

I am proud to see three of the best indonesian to run for presidency. I like Ibu Mega for her motherly easy to read answers. I like SBY for his calm, mature and structured thought process. I like JK for his out of the box thinking and nothing to loose attitude.

Its a lot easier to criticize them, to tell them how to do it better and to pick up their mistakes. But I did try to put myself in their shoes, on the same spotlight, and its not easy.